Keywords are the key to success in a home-based Internet Marketing venture

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

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Gisant in your Lazy Boy you surf on the results of your new Internet home once more. Ahhh, the good life. More than 9 to 5. More bosses. More political office.

Then reality sets in… $ 1.95 for the third day in a row? The total payout! You can not pay rent with it, I long to put food on the table. At this point you start wondering if you were a little premature to jump into the ship with society. Is your new company really a glorified hobby in disguise?

The answer to this question depends largely on you. And you will depend largely on the use of keywords in your success.

Yes, keywords.

You know your key to your car that they will take immediately if you do not have things. You also know the key to your house with late mortgage payments. But what in the world is a keyword, and why should you care?

A keyword (also known as the tag) is a word related to your niche that you aim for massive traffic to your website. For example, say that your favourite subject is "Internet Marketing". The keyword most evident in this topic is "Internet Marketing".

Now, before you build a website using nothing more than "Internet Marketing" your keyword that you need to know who the keyword greater supply and demand. Two tools that are WordTracker & SEO Elite. Both are good, I personally prefer SEO Elite.

Continuing our example, after running a check you will find that the best keyword to use is actually "Internet Marketing". And you should actually build one of your Web pages with a goal for that keyword.

Most people stop at this point. And it's a shame. It's like they found the first particle of gold in a gold mine and are too lazy or ignorant to continue the search. That is why I recommend the integration HitTail.com. They will take your keyword and provide historical data of people who are currently being actively get your site with so-called long tail keywords.

A long-tail keyword is not unlike a keyword normal, except that it is, you guessed it, long. So, if your keyword is "Internet Marketing" they will tell you during the time that someone actually found your site using the keyword phrase "The success of Internet marketing Paris." You can then choose to create a campaign keyword (articles, video, PPC, etc.) around "Successful marketing of Paris" or wait another long-tail keywords that suits you best.

Whatever your decision. Keywords granted are indeed an ingredient that will make the difference between a lobster and a dinner of bread and water.

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