Putting Your Internet Marketing Site Online

Saturday, September 20, 2008

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This third in a series of "Getting Started with Internet Marketing" article is about you in the new web host (in Article 2) on your new domain that you have bought in Article 1 This connection is important, because if you do not, you'll never see your Internet marketing site online. Period. But no problem! We're going to fix that now.

A server (or the name of the server or domain name or DNS server) is a computer program that translates domain names into IP, or Internet protocol addresses. These are a series of numbers that other servers will understand. It makes things much easier for us, because instead to enter into a series of figures, we can not give coolwebsite.com and everything works.

But we have to say where the server can be found on our website, and only bought because your domain, you probably still the agent the name of the server (or name server) addresses, and on your website shows you need in the course of your hosting account. This will not be the case if you bought a hosting account, where you have a free domain or two for illegal benefits of accession, but never on your hosting decision on that alone. (See Article 2 in the battle with Internet Marketing "series for more tips for buying.)

For this exercise, let's say you get a separate hosting accounts. They must "point" of your domain name to the name of your host server so that if someone types in your domain, it lands on your site. So, in your domain registrar site, scroll to the place where the name server. It can only say that "DNS". They are usually in the vicinity of your domain listing or through a link near your domains.

What do you find two addresses and they will look something like: "ns1.yourregistrar.com" and "ns2.yourregistrar.com." Both addresses changed. Now, open a new tab or window and go to your hosting account. Search for "DNS servers", "name server" or "DNS". Since these are sometimes difficult to find, you can use to search for one of these terms.

When you reach the hosting company's name server addresses, which they write or select and copy. Then go to your domain registrar tab or window and connect the new addresses in. That's it! You're done!

Although the Internet has developed very quickly and could only a few minutes to these addresses changed, it's sometimes a few hours. If there is more than that, go back to the Registrar and make sure that the host DNS addresses. (You may have entered. Nl, if it should be. Net, for example.) If you have not made a mistake, then call your hosting company support the department and find out what the problem is.

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