Five Secrets for Writing (and Selling) from Your Heart

Thursday, May 1, 2008

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Thank goodness online writing is soooo different from compositions that we had to do when we were in school! Lucky for us, our reader is not a critical schoolteacher, red pen in hand, grading our work. Instead, our online readers are real people, just like you and me, who want to learn something and get inspired.

Years ago, I practiced at writing "corporate speak." My proposals and reports where carefully crafted to keep out EVERY aspect of my own personality, thoughts, and feelings. I got so good at it I could have been dubbed the "Stepford Writer."

When I started my own business coaching firm and began marketing on the internet, I had to adopt a completely different style of writing. I needed a style that was deeply personal and expressed my brand authenticity. It hasn't been easy. Believe me, many pieces never saw the light of the computer screen before they were dispatched to the trash with a stroke of my delete key.

The great thing about writing is that “it's only words!” You can change them. (I love that!) Words give you the power to persuade, influence, and inspire your clients. Word power is an unbeatable way to get prospective clients to hire you, attend your next teleseminar or buy your information product!

So, how do you write from the heart AND sell your message online? The following internet marketing tips were derived from the years that this marketing coach has been doing just that!

Here are five secrets that will get you clicking away at the keyboard in no time at all:

Writing Tip #1: Just write.
If I try and edit as I write, I quickly find myself under the thumb of my inner critic. (After all, we all have one!) Why not send your inner critic on a coffee break? How? Get rid of him by just writing; leave the editing for later. Getting those first words out is the toughest part of writing internet marketing pieces, so just get to it.

Writing Tip #2: What are the emotions you want to evoke (or provoke?)
Before I start writing ANY internet marketing piece (even a simple email announcement for an upcoming teleseminar,) I take a moment to focus on the key emotion that I want to evoke. Is it inspiration? Excitement? A hunger for more? Don't try and rein in your natural energy or personal viewpoint of the topic. Believe me; people go online to read something that is strong, even provocative. If you find yourself saying, "Oh, I can't say that on the internet," then please, say it. It's you, it's authentic, and people want to hear it!

Writing Tip #3: Just say it!
As my Jewish grandmother would say: "Quit trying to be so perfect already!" Whenever I'm stuck, (I can tell I'm stuck when I have re-written the same sentence for the information product three million times,) I call my mom, an incredible writing coach. The one question she always asks me is, "What do you want your cyber audience to know?" After I'm done telling her she follows up with, "So write THAT!"

Writing Tip #4: Keep it conversational.
You know that voice inside your head that is busy chattering all the time? Now is the time to put her to use! Try having a conversation with that voice about the topic you're struggling to put online. Then just type up the conversation. I know this tip sounds a little wacky, but it's what I use to keep my internet marketing fun, upbeat and very personal.

Writing Tip #5: Don't be your own judge.
Just a few weeks ago a business coaching client emailed to me her website home page. "I don't think it's very good but I can't stand looking at it any more. Can you tell me what you think?" It was brilliant. It was strong, crystal clear, and engaging. Unfortunately, she was her own harshest cyber censor. (Like we all are!) Better to be brave and send your internet marketing piece to someone else for feedback. Just be sure that they understand YOU, and your business, so that the feedback you receive is meaningful.

Maybe you love to write, or maybe writing seems daunting to you. Either way, online writing is nothing more than speaking from your heart. Rather than worrying about your cyber writing, spend your energy telling people what you REALLY think. Do it in writing and you'll make a lasting impression that is certain to pull more business from the internet. (source : articlecity.com)

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